Friday, June 26, 2009

The Big Weekend

I leave today for the Avon 2-Day Walk in the mountains. I'm so excited for so many reasons. I think most of all, I'm looking forward to the amazing vibe that all of those wonderful women create. I've never felt anything like it before.

Everyone is there to raise money & awareness to fight breast cancer and everyone supports one another. There are people who have survived cancer, whose strength is incredible. There are people whose lives have been irrevocably changed by breast cancer and are there to honor loved ones. And there are people who just want to make sure future generations don't have to experience it at all. Aside from having children, it is the most awe-inspiring thing I've ever experienced.

Today I have two quotes to share, I will focus on both of them today.

Be the change you want to see in the World.
--Mahatma Gandhi

The future is hope.
--John Fiske

The link to my Avon page is:

Thursday, June 25, 2009


"We are always
getting ready to live,
but never living."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

So...what are we gonna do to change that?!?! Any ideas? WWED? Maybe a better question for me is, what would my children do? :)

Why? Why not?

I saw this quote in a magazine and wanted to share it, in honor of the smile it gave me. :)

"Some People see things that are and ask, Why?
Some people dream of things that never were and ask, Why not?
Some people have to go to work and don't have time for all that."
--George Carlin

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

So sweet!

Is there anything sweeter than a two-and-a-half year old girl?!?! My daughter is just sooo precious right now. She's full of love and smiles. I can't imagine anything sweeter. I'm loving this girl! <3
My friend, Mark Sloniker shared this in a FB note....I just had to share it with y'all. :)

My Next Life
by Woody Allen

In my next life I want to live my life backwards. You start out dead and get that out of the way. Then you wake up in an old people's home feeling better every day. You get kicked out for being too healthy, go collect your pension and then, when you start work, you get a gold watch and a party on your first day. You work for 40 years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You party, drink alcohol and are generally promiscuous and then you are ready for high school. You then go to primary school, you become a kid and you play. You have no responsibilities; you become a baby until you are born; and then you spend your last 9 months floating in luxurious spa-like conditions with central heating and room service on tap, larger quarters every day and then... Voila! You finish off as an orgasm! I rest my case.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I think that this summer God has decided it's time for me to learn some patience. I'm really not a patient person, but since having kids, I've tried my best. Now it seems to be time for me to move to the next level. My two lead teachers are my children. My daughter is amazingly independent and fearless. She wants to do everything by herself. Her syllabus consists mostly of "Me do Mommy, get back, Me do it myself!" My son on the other hand, wants assistance with everything...and then likes to go over and over the details of each second. Kinda reminds me of this SNL skit, when Chris Farley is interviewing Paul McCartney:

Chris Farley: You remember when you were with the Beatles?
Paul McCartney: Yes.
Chris Farley: That was awesome.

Chris Farley: Remember when you were with the Beatles and you were supposed to be dead, and there were all these clues, like you play some song backwards and it'd say, like "Paul is Dead" and everybody thought you were dead and, um, that was a hoax right?
Paul McCartney: Yeah, I wasn't really dead.

Chris Farley: I think we got time for one more question. Remember when you were in the Beatles and you did that album Abbey Road and at the very end of the song, it went: 'And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make'. You remember that?
Paul McCartney: Yes.
Chris Farley: Um, is that true?

When I read this quote, I realized that this is a good comparison for me. I'm raising little people here, they won't always take as much (or the same kind of) patience...this is a learning time for all of us. And I do love them so. :)

“The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.”

--Arnold Henry Glasow

Sunday, June 21, 2009


I know that I have been greatly blessed in life, but somedays I just don't take enough notice. Today was a day that I really felt the blessings and took the time to appreciate them. I need to remind myself more often to just stop and be where I am and enjoy all of the goodness around me. Life is good.

Something I read today that I will use as a focus:

"Don't run after your thoughts. Find joy and peace in this very moment."

--from Miracle of Mindfulness, by Thich Nhat Hanh

Friday, June 19, 2009

Love, Love, Love

My daughter woke up in a wondrous mood today. She was full of hugs and "I love you, Mommy!"s. It was delicious. I would love to keep this juju going all day long w/all that I do and all that I see. Sweet, innocent love shared with everyone. mmmmmmmmmm

The Sun Never Says
by Hafiz from The Gift

All this time
The sun never says to the earth,

"You owe

Look What happens
With a love like that,
It lights the

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

S'mores Cookies!!

YUM! We made some S'mores cookies today and they were delicious! I saw an article in a magazine for them, but made my own version. I just used the Toll House cookie recipe for a basis, substituted 1 cup graham cracker crumbs for 1 cup of the flour; cut the chocolate chips back to 1 cup and sprinkled some milk chocolate pieces on top before putting them in the oven. I put them in a 350 oven for 13 minutes, changed the oven to broil; topped the cookies with a few miniature marshmallows and broiled for 2 minutes, so the marshmallows were nice and toasty. mmmmmmm!

Try 'em, you'll like 'em!

ETA....I've decided these were too sweet even for me! Next time I'll cut out the white sugar completely. There will definitely be a next time though!

The Difference Between Boys and Girls

Playing "kitchen" with my daughter: She pretends to cook me a five course meal, carefully displaying each course and daintily eating soup and drinking tea with me.

Playing "kitchen" with my son & his friend: They quickly throw a top on a pot and bring it to me, only at the last second to "accidentally" spill the hot soup all over me.

Practicing Listening

You know how you can go forever without hearing about something, then all at once, the same topic comes at you from all sides? That's how this past week has been for me about "listening". I think it's time I stop and pay attention now. :) I'm going to do my best today to truly listen to people. This means not trying to figure out what people are going to say before they say it.....not thinking about my reply before they're even done talking.....not half-listening/half-typing an email or reading a book. Today my big goal is to truly listen.

My poem for today is:

How Do I Listen?
-Hafiz, The Gift


Do I

Listen to others?

As if everyone were my Master

Speaking to me





Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Cool Finger Puppets

I think we're going to have to make these. They look incredibly easy for how cute they are!!

Clinics for the insane...:)

We Might Have to Medicate You

by Hafiz, taken from The Gift

Resist your temptation to lie
By speaking of separation from God,

We might have to medicate

In the ocean
A lot goes on beneath your eyes.

They have clinics there too
for the insane
Who persist in saying things like:

"I am independent from the

God is not always around
Pressing against
My body."

Make your own rainstick.

The kids made these yesterday. Easy, cheap, fun, & safe. What more could you want? :)

Here's a link to the directions, check 'em out!


I've been reading the section in Love Poems from God by Tukaram. They've been making me smile so much, I wanted to include several here.

I Might Act Serious

If God would stop telling jokes,
I might act serious.

(I just love picturing these!)

It's the Shell Trick

It's the old shell trick with a twist:
I saw God put Himself in one
of your pockets.

You are bound
to find

Feeling Very Secure

planets rolled in
those openings on the side of my head.

I haven't heard anything for years.
Whenever I see a mouth moving in front of me

I just assume someone is saying
something brilliant

and then go on about my day
feeling very

And the one I'm focusing on today:


Certainty undermines one's power, and turns happiness
into a long shot. Certainty confines.

Dears, there is nothing in your life that will not
change --especially all your ideas of God.

Look what the insanity of righteous knowledge can do:
crusade and maim thousands
in wanting to convert that which is already gold into gold.

Certainty can become an illness
that creates hate and

God once said to Tuka,

"Even I am ever changing --
I am ever beyond

what I may have once put my seal upon,
may no longer be
the greatest

What do you all think about this one? I find it very thought-provoking.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Can you imagine?

I love Thich Nhat Hanh....I have ever since I found Peace Is Every Step on my mom's bookshelf, years ago. I'm currently reading The Miracle of Mindfulness and once again, his teachings have truly touched me. One time he talks about practicing mindfulness is when you are washing dishes. I find so much peace in the way he describes these meditations. BUT...I don't know how you can honestly do them when you are a stay-at-home mom. I would love to have him come into my home and see how he would handle the daily chores while the children alternately "help" and need help. I have no doubt he could do it with pure grace. I would just so love to see it, so I could take notes! Can you imagine?

BTW, he is coming to Colorado in August and I hope-hope-hope to be able to hear him talk. I think he must just exude peace and love. I want to be a part of that!

Peaceful Parenting?

Is "peaceful" parenting possible? Positively perplexing if you ask me. :) This is something that needs my focus. Positive discipline can be so difficult to practice and take so long to get the desired results. Or maybe I just don't do it the right way? I am rededicating myself to this, planning to be patient and consistent and hopefully....hopefully, I will get it right.

I saw this form of journaling on another website. I think it makes it quick and easy, while helping me stop and be more mindful.

For Today, Monday, 6/15/09...

Outside my window...the sun is trying to shine through the clouds, the birds are singing and a House Finch keeps edging closer to the window.

I am thinking...about how blessed I am to have such a wonderful home, life and family.

I am thankful life and all my blessings

From the kitchen...I'm hoping to make some homemade snack mixes and a chicken dinner.

I am reading...No Excuses, Love Poems from God and Little House on the Prairie.

I am hoping...everyone gets along well today.

I am creating...the life I want to lead.

I am hearing...Bree counting "1,2,3,4,6...." as Cross hides.

Around the house...things are in fairly good stead...just need to work on a few areas today.

One of my favorite watching the birds that flock to our feeders in the backyard.

A few plans for the rest of the week...Bree & I have a Farm class, Cross has a couple ballgames, a playdate and lots of outside play.


This is the poem I'm focusing on today. When I'm at a loss of what to do, I try to find a way to express my love. This poem is a great reminder for me. :)

"He Asked for Charity" by Rabia

God came to my house and asked for charity.
And I fell on my knees and cried, "Beloved, what may I give?"

"Just love," He said. "Just love."

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Beginning thoughts...

Yes, this is my first blog....I'm sure I could ramble on about that, but instead, here's a poem I've been thinking about today:

"Development"by St. John of the Cross

Once I said to God, "How do you teach us?"

And He replied,

"If you were playing chess with someone who had infinite power and infinite knowledge and wanted to make you a master of the game, where would all the chess pieces be at every moment?

Indeed, not only where he wanted them, but where all were best for your development; and that is every situation of one's life."