I saw this form of journaling on another website. I think it makes it quick and easy, while helping me stop and be more mindful.
For Today, Monday, 6/15/09...
Outside my window...the sun is trying to shine through the clouds, the birds are singing and a House Finch keeps edging closer to the window.
I am thinking...about how blessed I am to have such a wonderful home, life and family.
I am thankful for...my life and all my blessings
From the kitchen...I'm hoping to make some homemade snack mixes and a chicken dinner.
I am reading...No Excuses, Love Poems from God and Little House on the Prairie.
I am hoping...everyone gets along well today.
I am creating...the life I want to lead.
I am hearing...Bree counting "1,2,3,4,6...." as Cross hides.
Around the house...things are in fairly good stead...just need to work on a few areas today.
One of my favorite things...is watching the birds that flock to our feeders in the backyard.
A few plans for the rest of the week...Bree & I have a Farm class, Cross has a couple ballgames, a playdate and lots of outside play.
That is a great idea dip- I should try it!