Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Full of Joy & Miracles

How can anybody doubt that there is a God when they're around a happy child? What else could create such unabashed joy? The smiles, giggles and happy little jigs are gifts directly from Him to the World. My children bubble over with it and share it so freely, it leaves me in awe and full of joy. May your day be full of love and joy and maybe even a little jig.

These lyrics are from a new CD some friends of mine just released. All of the songs are just as wonderful. Here's a link if you'd like to check it out:

- words & music by Mark Sloniker ©1999

He sees miracles in the dawn's early light
He sees miracles in the first star at night
He sees miracles in the simplest of things
In a butterfly's flight, in a hummingbird's wings
In the magic that each moment brings

She finds miracles in the thunder and rain
She finds miracles in a fire fly's flame
She makes miracles with a hug and a kiss
In just holding hands through moments like this
She finds miracles in such bliss

When did I go so far astray,
That I stopped running wild, that I stopped playing free?
Searching in hopes I'd find my way
I found a child of three, with so much to teach me

'Cause he sees miracles in the marching of ants
And she sees miracles in a honey bee's dance
They see miracles in the simplest of things
In the first winter snow, in the blossom of spring
In the magic that each moment brings

She finds miracles on the string of a kite
And he finds miracles in a moment's delight
They find miracles on a warm summer breeze
In a puddle of rain, in the climbing of trees
They find miracles in moments like these

Where in the world did I lose track,
When the wonders of life, lost their wonder to me?
It's time that I found my way back
There's a child in my heart…'n'
She yells…"allee allee in come free"

Then we'll find miracles, whether young or old
We'll find miracles in each story told
We'll see miracles when we laugh or we cry
Through all of our lives, 'til the day that we die
There's a miracle, even in goodbye
For we're miracles…You and I

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